Tuesday, February 2, 2010

1st day down.... ;-)

I am proud of myself! (**Patting myself on the back**) I went to the gym for the first time yesterday. The trainer took me around and showed me how to use all of the machines. I had some difficulty doing what she told me to do. Like not bending my elbows when I wasn't suppose to or not sticking my butt out far enough. I have two more training sessions before they let me loose so I am sure I will get the hang of it. The gym is only women which is nice. The women at the gym are very supportive. It was kind of nice while I was trying to learn what the heck I was doing they were giving me pointers and what worked for them. It almost seems like one big happy family out there.

Well wish me luck...I am going again tonight when I get off work. I can't wait to get this extra weight off! :) My goal is 25 pounds by March 30th...and I have already lost 3 of them. I can do this! I did it before I can do it again.